ABRSM Exams Update

>> View details of ABRSM music exam dates, fees and entry deadlines.

ABRSM is the UK’s largest music education body, one of its largest music publishers and the world’s leading provider of music exams, offering assessments to over 600,000 candidates in over 90 countries every year.

ABRSM has designed their exams and assessments to motivate students of all levels and ages, giving them a series of realistic goals and tangible rewards for their achievements. They offer graded instrumental and singing exams for over 35 subjects, Music theory exams and Diploma exams in Cyprus.

Applications and Deadlines

Applications for the ABRSM exams for Practical, Performance Grades and Theory exam should be done online. 

Please follow this link to create your account and register yourself or your students: https://cy.abrsm.org/en/exam-booking/creating-your-account/

For information on exam dates and fees please follow: https://cy.abrsm.org/en/exam-booking/exam-dates-and-fees/

If you need any further information or clarification on the registration process please feel free to contact us by email contact.abrsm@cy.britishcouncil.org

User guides and videos

External links