Code of Conduct
The work we do is vitally important – and so is the way we do it. This Code of Conduct reflects our commitment to cultural relations work that is ethical, has integrity, and puts well-being, inclusion and fair treatment at its heart. The Code makes it clear that the British Council, wherever it operates in the world, is a single organisation with shared values.
Those values – open and committed, expert and inclusive, optimistic and bold – should inform our decision making and guide the way we go about our work. This document sets out the values, standards and behaviours we expect and require from everyone, in whatever capacity and wherever they work: either for, with or on behalf of the British Council.
The Code describes general principles. It does not cover everything, and it should be read alongside our policies and guidance, which you should also familiarise yourself with. There is a link to some of these policies within this Code.
The principles in the Code apply to all our staff worldwide and must be adhered to unless local law restricts this in some way. If you believe that such a restriction exists, please consult Corporate Affairs. If in doubt about any aspect of this Code you should seek guidance from a manager or from your Human Resources business partner.
Cultural relations is an exchange of values just as much as it is the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience. It’s essential that as we go about our work, each one of us demonstrates the values we seek to share with the world. If we want to build trust and persuade other nations that the United Kingdom has a culture and people worth understanding and engaging with, then our own behaviour is the place to begin.
Scott McDonald
Chief Executive
You can use the drop-down headings below to access each principle of the Code of Conduct. Within each principle you can find links to some relevant global policy statements and internal policies. Aspects of the Code of Conduct are supplemented by the global policy statements and further internal detailed policies and guidance for staff available on the intranet.