Friday 17 May 2019 to Thursday 11 July 2019

Express Publishing in collaboration with British Council would like to invite you to the "Express Gatherings" which will be held in May-June.  Topics to be discussed include:

British Council
“Stay updated on IGCSE” (Briefing on updates)

  • Highlights of the updates of the IGCSE English as a second language of Cambridge International
  • Supporting materials will be provided such as: sample papers, mark schemes, guidance on review and report writing task.

Express Publishing Cyprus
“Encouraging self-directed learning through captivating challenges and cutting edge technology"

  • New releases at Junior and Senior levels

 Available dates


Thursday, 11 July 2019
Date: Time: 10.00 - 12.00
Venue: Express Publishing Office



Friday, 5 July 2019
Time: 10.00 - 12.00
Venue: Gloria Jeans Coffee Makariou


 How to Register 

  • The presentations are free of charge, complimentary to all teachers
  • Please contact Express Publishing Cyprus by phone (+357 22444455) or email to reserve your date.